A.R. Shiewe
Adam Reinhold Schiewe

Haapsalu Baptist Church arose in the 19th century as a result of religious revival. Estonian brothers asked Adam Reinhold Schiewe, elder of German Baptist Church of St. Petersburg, to help organize the congregation. On the 24th of February 1884, the congregation was founded and the first members were baptized by Schiewe. Historically, Haapsalu Baptist Church is the first Baptist Church in Estonia. The local leaders of the new Church were Jüri Zeisig and August Johannson. Until 1894 the Church remained a part of the St.Petersbug's Church.

August Johannson
Jüri Zeisig

The Church got its Chapel in 1886, it was enlarged in 1909. Large reconstruction was undertaken in 1929.

Palvemaja ehitus 1929.a
Large reconstruction was undertaken in 1929.

There are several activities and means by which the Church serves the Lord and our people: preaching, prayer meetings, sunday-school, music, Bible study group, social work, etc. You can see some of these in the photos.

Being alliance minded, Haapsalu Baptist Church has good contacts with other Churches of the town.



 © 2025 Haapsalu Baptist Church, Metsa 24, 90505 Haapsalu, Estonia